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The most traditional strategic consulting firm in Minas Gerais, working since 1969 in partnerships with leading business groups in the state, achieving success in operations at national and international level.



The most traditional strategic consultancy in the state, developed in a personalized way to meet the needs of each group.

Corporate Restructuring

Corporate and asset planning, aimed at professionalizing business groups by optimizing the arrangement of their components.

Due Diligence

Execution of due diligence processes and evaluation of tangible or intangible assets, with a particular attention to tailoring the information to its end users.

Forensics and Auditing

Versatile technical support, acting in judicial, arbitral and administrative proceedings, as well as in independent extrajudicial audits.

Holdings and Family Governance

A counseling method developed especially for family-owned businesses, geared towards generational succession in corporate management.

Business Combinations

Advisory in real estate and M&A transactions, with the aim of making deals possible in an intelligent way, ensuring operational and tax efficiency.

Insolvency and Turnaround

Comprehensive assistance for organizations facing challenging scenarios, in or out of court, through two different approaches: prevention and litigation.

International Planning

International corporate and estate planning, providing security, privacy and global reach to domestic structures.


Full-service bookkeeping, encompassing the accounting, fiscal and personnel departments: the most traditional tax compliance in the market.


Pasto de uma fazenda

Over the decades, we have consolidated our position in segments of fundamental importance to our state's economy:

& Retail

& Cattle Raising





Real Estate


& Distribution


Vista de prédios e um avião



The sophisticated intellectual craft is balanced between philosophy and method. It is from this duality that the value of our savoir-faire springs - decades of experience manifested in each piece of work, through six pillars:


By principle, we reject any attempt to standardize the solutions we offer: our methodology is, and always will be, tailor-made.


Our direct, personal and intense involvement with our clients, combined with a drive to fully understand their lives and businesses, has allowed us to create our most enduring bonds.


The intersection between academics and practice is the optimal point for achieving mastery: the key to proficiency lies in recognizing opportunities to pass on and renew our knowledge.


We stand for technical rigor, but we also value creativity and personality. These elements are not mutually exclusive, and our oeuvre is imbued with all three as a way of striving for perfection.


We celebrate entrepreneurial capitalism in all its forms and value the endeavors of great entrepreneurs, highlighting the positive impact of their legacies on our community.


Our commitment is nothing less than absolute, but our principles - professional and personal - are non-negotiable.


Our consultants combine the highest standards of technical-academic excellence with an artisanal and continuous process of transmitting know-how, which is now reaching its third generation. Added to this is the experience of our support team, which is made up only of professionals with proven track records, providing a level of solidity and reliability that only years of working as an unit can produce.

Luciano de Castro Garcia Leão

Chief Executive ∙ Consultancy

+55 (31) 97166-8708

An accountant and economist, having graduated in accounting sciences from PUC-MG and in economics from UFMG. Sought to deepen his knowledge at the University of São Paulo, where he entered the master's program at the age of 21. He obtained a master's degree (M.Sc.) and later a doctorate (Ph.D.) in accounting and controllership. He started teaching at the age of 22 and occupied the chair until 2017, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses (Lato and Stricto Sensu).


He has worked as a consultant and forensic expert since 1995, becoming Partner of Adtec in 1998. In 2014, he became Managing Partner and in 2022 he was appointed as the Chief Executive.


Has presented several papers at world congresses and holds a permanent seat at the Minas Gerais Academy of Accounting Sciences, honored by the state's professional body for his contribution to the class.

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Lucas Alves de Castro Garcia Leão

Account Manager ∙ Consultancy

+55 (31) 99873-4304

A lawyer and accountant, having graduated in law from IBMEC-BH and in accounting sciences from FIPECAFI/FEA-USP, starting his university education at the age of 16. He is a former student of EFG-Sebrae, where he graduated as a technician in management administration. He has been working at Adtec since 2017, holding the positions of Trainee, Analyst and currently contributing as Account Manager.

He holds the CPA-10 and CPA-20 professional certifications, awarded by Anbima - Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities. He is also currently pursuing a master's degree in law, with emphasis in corporate law, at Milton Campos university.

He also has experience in the legal sector, conciliating his role at Adtec with the practice of law, focusing on corporate and tax law.

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Sônia Sena

Since 1982 at Adtec

Sônia Sena

Head ∙ Operations

Cleide Alves

Since 2018 at Adtec

Cleide Alves

Head ∙ Accounting

Tatiane Dias

Since 2009 at Adtec

Tatiane Dias

André Rosa

André Rosa

Monaliza Garcia

Monaliza Garcia


Foto de Vanir Garcia Leão, fundador da Adtec - Consultoria Contábil

Vanir Garcia Leão

President Emeritus ∙ Consultancy

16/02/1948 - 30/08/2023

Born on a small farm in the village of Iguatama, in the interior of Minas Gerais, he was left fatherless at the age of two. In modest circumstances, he was sent alone to a neighboring town, while still a child, to study. After graduating as an accounting technician, he moved to the state capital, where he worked two jobs to support his widowed mother and siblings. At just 16, he became the sole breadwinner.

Despite the adversities, he founded Adtec in 1969, at the age of 21, and began to devote himself entirely to consultancy, his passion. He served as the firm's Chief Executive for 53 years, working from Monday to Monday until the day he died, always with great joy.


During his remarkable self-made career, he led historic operations such as the entry of international franchises into Minas Gerais, the creation of some of the largest groups in Latin America and the management of billion-dollar inheritances and succession projects. Through his work, he has created fundamental paradigms for the modernization of the state's business environment.



Let's Meet

Visit us at our exclusive address in the heart of Belo Horizonte's most charming neighborhood, Lourdes, for a conversation. We have an accessible structure to serve you in the best possible way.

Schedule your meeting by phone, e-mail or using the form on the right.


Rua da Bahia, nº 2.727, Lourdes

Belo Horizonte/MG

CEP: 30.160-019


+55 (31) 3337-4528

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